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Christoffels Helps Three Generations

Christoffels Hair Restoration recently had the opportunity to help Mitchell through the hair restoration process. As Virg was getting to know Mitchell, he found out that Mitchells father and grandfather had both visited Christoffels years ago when they first started to lose their hair. That made Mitchell represented the third generation in his family to work with Christoffels.

When Mitchells father and grandfather started the restoration process, the technology was very primitive and the only solution for their hair loss was to tape or clip a hairpiece over the balding area. Sadly, many people still think that is their only option.

Mitchell was losing hair and struggling to find the right answer should he do atransplant,treatment program, or anonsurgicaloption? Because of the amount of his hair loss, a transplant wouldnt completely cover the area, and a treatment program would only maintain where Mitchells hair currently was, while preventing thinning in the future. So, we decided to design a trendy looking hairstyle for him.

Hair loss is a personal subject, so it can be hard for people to openly talk about it. But Mitchell decided to talk about his new look publicly and evaluate the response. He posted before and after pictures on Facebook, one with thinning hair and his old glasses, and the other with the new hairstyle and new glasses. He asked people to vote which look they liked best, and only one person commented on his new hair. Many people fear what others will say about their hair restoration and it holds them back from dealing with their hair loss, but Mitchell tackled the issue up-front and realized what many of our patients do that there is less judgment out there than they expect.

Mitchell is very public about his hair loss, and will admit that his hair was becoming a draw back in his everyday life. We will be posting a video and interview with Mitchell about his personal journey through hair loss.


a portrait of Sara Tims for Christoffels Hair Restoration in Sioux Falls, SD

It’s time to feel good about your hair again.

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