Losing Hair? Take Action Now!
Male hair loss and baldness is a fact of life for millions of men. Significant male pattern baldness affects the lives of well over one-third of adult men worldwide. There are many possible causes of hair loss in men, however the man who experiences hair loss usually finds that it is part of his individual genetic makeup.
Many men may notice a mild and often normal physiologic thinning of hair starting in their thirties and forties. Other times, normal life changes, including temporary severe stress or nutritional changes, may be the underlying cause for hair loss. For men suffering from alopecia areata, male pattern baldness, and other sources of hair loss, our commitment to the highest professional standards allows us to offer totally customized hair replacement solutions specifically tailored to your individual situation. Our internationally award-winning hair loss restoration technology includes the nationally recognized Virtual Reality hair replacement solutions.
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Types & Causes of Male Hair Loss
Male Pattern Baldness
Hair loss has many causes. What’s causing your specific hair loss can determine whether your hair:
- Thins
- Falls out slowly or suddenly
- Can regrow on its own
- Requires treatment to regrow
- Needs immediate care to prevent permanent hair loss

ANDROGENETIC ALOPECIA is the most common cause of hair loss and balding in men. It represents almost 95% of all male hair loss. Male hair loss and going bald is a fact of life for millions of men. For most men experiencing thinning hair and baldness, the cause is a condition known as Androgenetic Alopecia. This is simply the formal term for the kind of balding that is commonly referred to as male pattern baldness.
This means that you’ve inherited genes that cause your hair follicles to shrink and eventually stop growing hair. Shrinking can begin as early as your teens, but it usually starts later in life. When a man has hereditary hair loss, the first sign is often a receding hairline or bald spot at the top of his head.
Types and Causes of Male Hair Loss
- Age: With age, most people notice some hair loss because hair growth slows. At some point, hair follicles stop growing hair, which causes the hair on our scalp to thin. Hair also starts to lose its color.
- Alopecia Areata: Generally thought to be an autoimmune disorder, this is a disease that develops when the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles, causing hair loss. You can lose hair anywhere on your body, including your scalp, eyelashes, or eyebrows.
- Hair Care: If you color, perm, or relax your hair, you could be damaging your hair. Over time, this damage can lead to hair loss.
- Alopecia Totalis: Total hair loss of the scalp, (an advanced form of alopecia areata).
- Trichotillomania: Compulsive hair pulling.
- Scalp infection: A scalp infection can lead to scaly and sometimes inflamed areas on your scalp. You may see what look like small black dots on your scalp. These are actually stubs of hair. Some people develop a bald spot.
- Medication: A possible side effect of some medications is hair loss. If you think a medication is causing your hair loss, ask the doctor who prescribed it if hair loss is a possible side effect. It’s essential that you do not stop taking the medication before talking with your doctor. Abruptly stopping some medications can cause serious health problems.
- Scalp psoriasis: Many people who have plaque psoriasis develop psoriasis on their scalp at some point. This can lead to hair loss.
- Thyroid disease: If you have a problem with your thyroid, you may see thinning hair. Some people notice that their hair comes out in clumps when they brush it.
- Scarring alopecia: This condition develops when inflammation destroys hair follicles. Once destroyed, a hair follicle cannot grow hair. Diverse conditions can cause this. The medical name for this group of conditions is cicatricial alopecia.
Many men may notice a mild and often normal physiologic thinning of hair starting in their thirties and forties. Other times, normal life variations including temporary severe stress, nutritional changes may cause hair loss. For men suffering from alopecia areata, male pattern baldness, and other causes of hair loss, our commitment to the highest professional standards allows us to offer totally customized hair replacement solutions specifically tailored to your individual situation. Our internationally award-winning hair loss restoration technology includes the nationally recognized Virtual Reality hair replacement solutions.