Hair Loss in Women
Whether a woman believes reaching menopause is something to be happy or sad about, many start experiencinghair thinningwhere hair is wanted, and hair growth where it is not; one of lifes little jokes. Though finding a way to laugh about it helps, it is a problem that negatively affects womens self-esteem and emotional well-being.
But, before going deeper into the role of menopause and aging in hair loss, here is a brief look at alopecia. Although it can begin anytime after puberty, alopecia is a common form of hair loss after 50.
Alopecia: Two Types
Alopecia areataaffects about 5 million people in the United States. This type offemalehair lossis considered an autoimmune disease, meaning the bodys immune system attacks its very own hair follicles. Other onset factors include a persons genetic makeup, other illness, pregnancy, and stress.
The first sign of alopecia areata is typically a small, round, and smooth patch of baldness on the scalp. Those with alopecia areata eventually experience complete baldness, oralopecia totalis. Others may lose hair over their entire body, called alopecia universalis. The course of alopecia areata is unpredictable, and hair may grow back only to fall out again.
Androgenic alopeciarefers here to the female version of male pattern baldness. It has been linked to an inherited sensitivity to the male sex hormone, androgen. Women may experience diffusehair thinningover their entire scalp instead of the actual baldness that develops in men.
Menopause and After
At menopause, your estrogen and progesterone levels drop, and this seems to be responsible, or partly so, for hair thinning (and that cheeky peach fuzz that seems to appear overnight). Other factors related to hair loss are high levels of stress, illness, hormonal imbalances, harsh hair products, and a genetic disposition.
Blood-sugar levels, thyroid tests, and an evaluation for rheumatoid disease may be suggested by your doctor to rule out other possible causes for any hair loss. A test for excessive androgen in your system is appropriate if the loss is sudden. As for managing the unwanted loss or growth, it is recommended you see a doctor to discuss possible lifestyle changes and medication options.
Lifestyle Changes
Suggested life style adjustments are a healthy diet, getting plenty of B vitamins (especially B6), enjoying a cup of green tea every day, losing some pounds, and trying shampoo that contains hyaluronic acid. These changes may help restorehair growthalthough it will take three to four months before you know. Even if taking these suggestions does not restore your hair, they are good habits for general well-being.
Stress hormones and insulin, if the levels are high, can cause an excess of androgen in the body. Reducing stress may lower the androgen enough to stop intrusive hair from peppering the chin. Walking, meditation, yoga, visualization, shooting some hoops, caring for a pet, swimming, playing with the grandchildren, and gardening are suggestions.
Medicinal options for menopause and post-menopause hair loss include a limited-term prescription for estrogen, Rogaine (minoxidil), steroids, or metformin (a drug often used with type 2 diabetes). All of these medications carry possible side-effects and should be discussed with your doctor.
Low Level Laser light treatments may be utilized to control hair loss and to promote healthy hair growth.Laser therapy treatmentscan be conducted in an office environment with a hair loss professional. An FDA cleared portable laser can also be purchased for at home use. Meet with a qualified hair loss professional to learn more about your options.