We often get asked if our treatment really works, and while the answer is yes, its not always a quick fix. It takes discipline and commitment, even when you cant notice any changes. Anns story demonstrates the necessary patience and dedication needed while going through treatment.
Ann is a 70 year-old who came to us with extensive hair loss. She had seen doctors, had blood work done, and had her thyroid checked but still wasnt able to find the cause of her hair loss. On top of this, Ann had lost her husband resulting in more stress and hair loss.
Ann came to Sara for help, hoping to find a solution to stop the hair shedding. After completing a scalp and hair analysis, they decided to use low-level laser therapy coupled with our topicaltreatment of Complete, which includes scalp therapy, DHT shampoo, Minoxidil, and DHT blockers. Ann wanted to stop continued hair loss along with the hope of growing new hair, and these two treatments were great options for accomplishing those goals.
After three months the shedding had almost completely stopped, but there wasnt any new growth. At Anns six-month follow up she had new pictures taken and when compared to the originals they couldnt believe the drastic change. As you can see by her pictures, Ann not only stopped the shedding but also had new hair growth. The key to her success was consistency and the discipline of using the treatment products daily even when results werent immediate, along withlaser therapythree times a week.
Call Christoffels Hair Restoration for your free hair and scalp analysis and let us determine if hair loss treatment will work for you.