Female Hair Loss
The bodys level of DHT plays a role infemale hair losscalled androgenic alopecia. A womans ovaries secrete the hormone testosterone, and testosterone can be transformed into the DHT that miniaturizes follicles.
Its not that your ovaries are trying to sabotage our hair. Women need testosterone for fun things like sexual desire, sensitivity to stimulation, and orgasms. Testosterone also provides good muscle tone, energy, and balance. Without it women are indecisive, feel insecure, and may develop distressingly dry skin.
The latest research shows the problem inalopeciais not how much testosterone is circulating through your system, but the amount of DHT clinging to the receptors on your hair follicles. Ironically, the enzyme that changes testosterone to DHT is found in the follicles oil glands.
The enzyme, Type II 5-alpha reductase, translates testosterone to DHT in both women and men. Although men carry 40 to 50 times more testosterone than women do, women are more sensitive to it. If you have alopecia, its possible your system is sensitive even to normal levels of DHT. Alopecia may also begin when female hormone levels drop, and the male ones (including testosterone) started wielding too much influence.
Androgen Alopecia
Most women withandrogenic alopeciaexperiencehair thinningacross all parts of the scalp. A few women havehair losson part of their scalp (pattern baldness), as do men with alopecia. Even fewer women have both diffuse and patterned shedding.
Though DHT shrinks hair follicles, it does so over time. It stretches out the hairs anagen (growing) and telogen (resting) phases. With each passing cycle the hair shafts become smaller, narrowing at the tip. Eventually, follicles stop producing hair.
DHT is not the only culprit in alopecia. Heredity is a known factor. Anything that disturbs the bodys delicate hormonal balance may contribute to the problem. Stress, menopause, androgen-rich birth control pills, ovarian cysts, hysterectomy, and pregnancy, are all possible perpetrators of female hair loss.
Life is such a balancing act. From the molecules of the body, to the cells, organs, and systems, so much depends on one thing being balanced with many others. Its miraculous and mind-boggling.
We all know how to help ourselves. A nutritious diet, staying active, and getting enough sleep help keep our various bodily substances at compatible levels. Socializing, laughter, and relaxation also assist our body with its chemical juggling act.
Hormone therapy is always an option but also fraught with side-effects. Using testosterone blockers, or other hormone treatments, are best discussed with your physician.